Statement of Solidarity With Other Religions

Religious symbols

For immediate release

CONTACT: Oberon Zell:

January 28, 2025


American Pagans stand in solidarity with other religions in opposing draconian deportation policies.


Modern Pagans, who embrace a Nature-centered spirituality, comprise a significant constituency in America, with dozens of denominations, hundreds of organizations and millions of adherents.


The following people from American Pagan organizations stand with the Right Reverand Mariann Edgar Budde of the Episcopal Diocese of Washington in her invitation for our government to uphold the values of justice, mercy, charity, hospitality, and compassion.


At the inaugural prayer service at Washington’s National Cathedral on Tuesday, Jan. 21 Bishop Budde said: “In the name of our God, I ask you to have mercy upon the people in our country who are scared now. … Our God teaches us that we are to be merciful to the stranger, for we were once all strangers in this land.” –Right Rev. Mariann Edgar Budde


We offer solidarity with Rt. Rev. Budde’s sentiments and those of other religious bodies opposing President Trump’s campaign of persecution and mass deportation of innocent immigrants seeking asylum in our country. We embrace the poem by Emma Lazarus on the pedestal of the Statue of Liberty:


"…Give me your tired, your poor,

Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,

The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.

Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,

I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"




(to add yours, use the form at the bottom of this page)

  1. Ven. Oberon Zell
    Founder, Primate, President
  2. Rev. Judith M. Barnett, ThD
    Founder, Pagan Preservation
    Publisher, Green Egg magazine
    Administrator, Church of All Worlds
  3. Rev. Jacqueline “Omi” Zaleski Mackenzie, PhD
  4. Ret. Captain Donald James Mackenzie
    Church of All Worlds (
  5. Rhiannon Zell
    High Priestess, Serpentstone
  6. Jo Carson
    Lead Priestess & President of the Board, Feraferia (
  7. Ellen Evert Hopman
    Founder, Archdruid Emerita, Tribe of the Oak (
  8. Rob Smith (aka Jazz Smudgeson)
    Archdruid, Tribe of the Oak (Tuatha na Dara) Druid Order (
  9. Orion Foxwood
    Elder High Priest
    Founding Elder of the Foxwood Temple of the Old Religion
    Founder of the House of Brigh, Faery Seership Institute
  10. M. Macha NightMare
    National Interfaith Representative, Covenant of the Goddess
    “Assuring Pagan Rights Since 1975” (
  11. Cat Gina Cole
    Owner/Creator, Haven Sanctuary
  12. Rev Mary Hawk
    Co-Coordinator, Nashville Pagan Pride Day
  13. Lucia Jameson
    Co-Coordinator, Nashville Pagan Pride Day (
  14. Melissa Anderson
    Aikenhall School
    Circle of Ancient Sisters, Inc
    Dynion Mwyn, The Association of Cymry Wiccae
    Houses of Khemet
  15. Jim “Raven” Stefanowicz
    Founder & High Priest, South Street Circle (
  16. Tamara von Forslun
    Clan of Boskednan Church of the Old Religion Inc. Australia and US (
  17. Eric Cooper
    Forest Moon Grove (
  18. Starhawk
    Author of The Spiral Dance: A Rebirth of the Ancient Religion of the Goddess & The Fifth Sacred Thing (
  19. Toni Rotonda & Steven Intermill
    Buckland Museum of Witchcraft (
  20. Rev. Starr RavenHawk
    HPs, WitchsFest USA
  21. Nirav Parinama
    Venusian Church
  22. Amber K and Azrael Arynn K
  23. Rev. Jeff Fager
    Correllian Nativist Tradition of Wicca
  24. Maeve Awen
    Leader, Flame and Well Druid Grove (
  25. Diana Paxson
    Fellowship of the Spiral Path
  26. Rev James Sayers
    Podcaster and founder, Earthweb Initiative
  27. Pete Jennings
    Retired President, The Pagan Federation (
  28. Samina Oshun
    Priestess, Desert Moon Circle, Church of All Worlds
  29. Kerr Cuhulain
    Past Preceptor General, Order of Paladins
  30. Jack & Kim Ingersoll
    Clergy, Sweetwood Temenos
  31. Debi LeFaye
    Academy of the Ancient Arts (
  32. Francesca De Grandis
    The Third Road Tradition (
  33. H.E. Reverend Patrick McCollum
    Executive Director, The Mccollum Foundation for Peace
    President, Our Lady of the Wells, Church
    Vice President Children of the Earth
  34. Raven Digitalis
    Pagan author & Priest
  35. Michael R. Gorman, MA
    Founder, Sacramento Grove of the Oak
  36. Michael York
    Author of Matter Matters
  37. Merlyn Hern
    Founder, Witchfest ( Children of Artemis (
  38. Rev. Dr. Ahriana Platten
    HPS, Mountain Rose Grove (
  39. Janet Farrar & Gavin Bone
  40. Deborah Lipp
    Author (
  41. Ruth Barrett
    High Priestess and co-founding Elder, Temple of Diana, Inc. (
  42. Abigail Spinner McBride
    The Vegas Vortex (
  43. Kadira Belynne
    Director, Grey School of Wizardry (
  44. Patricia Telesco
    Author, 365 Goddess & The Kitchen Witch’s Cookbook
  45. Gus diZerega
    Author, Gardnerian High Priest and Elder (
  46. Holli S. Emore
    MDiv, Cherry Hill Seminary (
  47. Max Dashu
    Founder, Suppressed Histories Archives
  48. Rev. Dr. Frodo Okulam
    SisterSpirit (
  49. Rt. Rev. Donald Valentine Studebaker
    Gnostic Catholic Bishop
  50. Hiereus Pyrokanthos
    High Priest, Thiasos Olympikos
  51. Harold Sanford Carter III
    Founder, Witchcraft TV online
  52. Wynne Rath
    Witches and Pagans North of Dallas (
    Temple of Wytchery (
  53. Brahn th’ Blessed
    Board member, Nest Coordinator at Crows Nest (cybernest)
    CAW Nest Facilitator Assoc Editor, Green Egg Magazine (
    Church of All Worlds (
  54. Tinnekke Bebout
    Keybearer, Covenant of Hekate
    Ordained Dianic High Priestess and Founder, Mystai of the Moon Dianic Path
    High Priestess, Sanctuary and Temple of Hekate Einalian (
  55. Rev. Jeff Fage
    Coven of the Blue Moon
    Blue Ridge Pagan Festival (
  56. Maria Shell
    High Priestess, Temple of the Divine Spirit (
  57. Morgan Ravenwood
    Druid, Order of Bards, Ovates and Druids (
  58. Mambo Chemen Limyè Jan’m da Ginen
    Mambo Asogwe, Sosyete Kè Yo Fò
  59. Tabitha Lusco
    Children’s Minister, Awen Grove
    Founding Associate Director, Greenwild Spiritual Fellowship (
  60. Rev. Pamela “Mela” Borawski
    Hearthkeeper, Awen Grove
    Founding Director, Greenwild Spiritual Fellowship (
  61. Jamie Lynn Denten
    Battleborn Psychic medium Lady SilverWillowSage
    Member of Nevada Society of Scottish clans, Member of Sons and Daughters of Erin, Event planner with Otherworldly Temptations
  62. Willow Clemson
    Sacred Spiral Pagan Church of Arizona (
  63. Rev. Barbara Thorngren
    Owner/Workshop Builder/Land Steward, Avalon Healing Arts Barn Studio and Sanctuary
  64. Melissa Bella Strix Keogh
    Teacher, Priestess, Witch, Ordained Minister
  65. Noël Sucese
    Historian, PhD Candidate Loyola University Chicago
    Just Us Ghouls Coven
  66. Aleta Lawrence
    Solitary Witch
  67. Dr. Sandra Robbins PhD LPC
    Eco therapist

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