What kind of group are you?
We are a coalition of volunteers, deeply concerned about liberties being reduced and eliminated for broad groups of American citizens who do not conform to narrow socio-cultural ideals.
We are not pursuing incorporation or non-profit status. We are not out to sell merchandise or ideologies.
Why Pagan Solidarity?
Paganism is a large umbrella for many spiritual traditions that focus on connections between ourselves and the natural world, the seasons of the year and the seasons of our lives, love for mysteries of the cosmos and love for humankind. We feel called to be stewards in all these areas, to care for them, protect and nurture their healthy growth.
While these ideals unite our efforts, it is explicitly NOT our goal to impose spiritual beliefs on anyone or debate the merits of any spiritual or religious tradition. All are welcome to connect and collaborate.
What do you hope to accomplish?
By joining in community to examine the impacts of changes from executive orders, bills, policy statements and corporate/military policies that follow, we hope to understand the nature of the harm they bring, and of ways to navigate, mitigate, and defend against that harm.
By nurturing interfaith/secular alliances with other groups targeted by exclusionary and punitive legislation, we hope to share ideas and support for one another.